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Friday, June 24, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (17) Follow Friday (16)

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen at Crazy for Books.

This weeks question is...

When did you realize reading was your passion and a truly important part of your life?
I think I realized that reading was a passion early on in my life. I can remember being in the fourth grade and we would get 15 minutes of DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read), and when that 15 minutes was up, I would be so sad because I always thought it was so short, I could have easily spent the rest of the afternoon reading, I knew then that it was important to me. So basically forever.  

Follow Friday is Hosted over at Parajunkee's View.

This weeks question is...

What is your favorite fairy tale or story that revolves around the fae?

I don't know that I have a favourite fairy tale that revolves around the fae- I don't know that I even know of one. But I do enjoy the stories of the fae tricking people into eating their food when they shouldn't. Those are my favourite stories.


  1. Hopping through! New follower here!

  2. I've pretty much loved reading my entire life too! I see you're reading Water For Elephants, are you enjoying it? Might have to move it up my list of books I have to read...

  3. Ohh!! DEAR time sounds awesome.

    We didn't have that. We had DEAP time (Drop Everything And Pray), but I didn't like it because I don't like to pray when I'm ordered to.

    Anyway! I think I realized I loved reading when I was in elementary school and I would just soak up the written word.

  4. Just hopping by, happy Friday!

  5. Hi there! New follower! :)

    I remember DEAR time. Reading was always my favorite thing to do.

  6. Hi! New follower! just stopping by for the hop. HAPPY FRIDAY!

  7. I've always loved reading, too. Have a great weekend!

    Beyond strange new words

  8. Stopping by the hop to say hello! I'm new to your blog!!

    Here's mine, if your interested:

  9. i don't read the fairy novels but i do like fairy tales, The Little Mermaid is one and my favorite... stop by to find out at

  10. Your blog is seriously stunning. I love the tree. Great answer too.

    Here's my Friday

    Amy@adumbrations (new follower)

  11. I realized how important books had become in my life in 1999. Come see what happened.

  12. Just dropping by for the blog hop. Your blog is beautiful. It seems like a lot of people started reading at a young age and then just continued on. It was like that for me. I wish we had DEAR time in school! I would have loved that. Maybe I need to implement that into my daily life! :)

    You can read my thoughts on it here: http://moments-of-beauty.blogspot.com/2011/06/it-started-with-babysitters-club.html

  13. Hopping through. We used to do DEAR in school too. It was so fun. I started really getting into reading in 2nd grade.
    My Hop

  14. Stopping by via the Book Blogger Hop. I'm a new follower.
    Have a great weekend!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  15. I'm imagining a little girl with a sad face when she realised reading time was over :-( 15 minutes doesn't seem like very much. Sweet story and I'm very happy that you can spend the afternoon reading now if you want!

  16. I remember being sad when our 30 minutes (three times a week) in the school library were over!

    New follower over from the book hop.

    Please check out my blog when you get a chance!



  17. Hi Sara, to be honest I don't think I have read them either, or if I have it was a cursory read since pages of it are in elvish and I don't speak elvish. But the films gave a larger majority access to the story lines and got the important points out while creating a world that was as real and as magic as any. And, I don't crush on actors (usually) but If I could meet Aragorn in Viggo's person I would crush on that man for sure.

    Thanks for visiting my place and commenting.


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"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl