Well, boys and girls- it has been a while. I have been rather absent from the blogging world this year, and I think that's okay. However, in recent weeks I have felt the desire to return to this little delight of mine and try my hand at sharing about the things that bring me such great joy- reading and books.
I wanted to share with your today a little bit about what I have been reading and what some of the true gems have been. Cause, there have been a couple.
I haven't read much this year- if you're wanting an update on my life check out this post- cause not a lot has changed since then. as of right now I have read a grand total of 36 books this year, if I make it to 50 I will call that a success! But of those 36, there are four that really stuck with me.
When I initially read I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, I wasn't really feeling it. It took me a LONG time to read (which I think was mostly due to my CRAZY busy schedule), which really influenced how I felt about it. It also took me a bit to get into. However, after a few months, I continue to think about this story and how crazy beautiful it was. This was one of the few books I actually reviewed this year, you can read more of my thoughts here.
Me Before You has been making it's way around readers since it's release back in 2012. And I hadn't heard a bad thing about this story (I did hear it was an ugly cry kind of story though). I wasn't sure about reading this one though, as I had tried one other novel by Jojo Moyes and wasn't terribly thrilled (I am going to give it another go). This year I decided to take the plunge and jump in with both feet. And what an incredible story. It is SO much more than what it presents itself at being. And I loved it so much. It really makes you think about what life is and what living really means. It's not an easy read, but it's so worth it.

There you have it, a sample of what I've been reading and enjoying the last little while. I hope that catches you up a little bit.
~Happy Reading everyone!
I need to read that Mindy Kaling book. And I'll Give You the Sun!!! So good right?!?!? Too good!! I haven't read as many books as I wanted to either, and I'm trying to catch up now :(
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any of these books, but I do have I'll Give You the Sun on my wishlist. I also need to read Rowling's adult novels.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are back to blogging and up to sharing your favourite reads so far in 2015. I've been just as absent from blogging as you and I felt it very relaxing to take a break once in a while. I have a copy of I'll Give You the Sun sitting on my shelf, waiting to be read. I will have to give a chance soon.