Top Ten Tuesday Freebie! Your time to pick whatever topic you'd like- This is pretty exciting for me I have been thinking about this for a couple months now.
My freebie topic is...
The Top Ten Books That Made Me Cry
(either silent weeps or ugly sobs)
**Be warned- Both John Green and Melina Marchetta make an appearance on this list- Sorry Aylee**
1) Precious and Fragile Things by Megan Hart- It was the end of this book that broke my heart. Gilly-a woman who had been kidnapped and help hostage in a remote wilderness cabin for a few months- had no other options and it hurt her to do what she did. Todd (her kidnapper) has a story that is also incredibly hard to read. There was nothing terribly happy about this Precious and Fragile Things. I remember when I finished this book I threw it to the floor sobbing it was BS and not fair. I then went to bed and cried myself to sleep.
2) If I Stay by Gayle Foreman- The first time I read this I actually listened to it. I was at work and spent eight hours filing, I remember having to sit up and blink a number of times while listening. At one point I had to run to the washroom and let it out. This is actually a heart breaking story, about a girl who gets into a car accidnet with her family and she's left suspended between life and death and needing to make a decision, it's utterly heartbreaking. I get SO sad thinking about. But it was a wonderful story, and I am glad I read/listened to it.
3) The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Neffenigger- Again, it was the end of this novel that made me cry. For obvious reasons. Death is sad, in this case it was really sad. I cried, my heart hurt.
4) Hallowed by Cynthia Hand- The sequel to Unearthly was very different from it's predecessor, very different. Clara is confused in this novel and experiencing so much. Hand did such a good job of making me love Clara, that every time she cried I wanted to cry, and at the end when her vision becomes a reality I wept with and for her.
5)6) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green- If you've read this novel you know why it's cry worthy. I have read a number of John Green's books- actually I have read all but An Abundance of Katherines. The characters in the TFiOS are fantastic. Augustus Waters is amazing, he is everything good a girl would want in a boy. But there's more, he's also a great friend. This, in turn gives him some great friends. There is one scene in TFiOS that kills me- the living eulogy scene when Issac gives his speech. I cried so hard that it was hard to keep reading.
6) The Pact by Jodi Picoult- This was the first Jodi Picoult novel that I read, and it brought me to tears. A Story about a boy who is on trial for his girlfriend`s death. He claims it was a suicide, but no one is really sure. But, Chris loved Emily so much. He loved her so much he was willing to die for her, in the end he was willing to let her die, and it hurt him. Picoult is an expert at writing intense novels that provoke strong emotional responses. This is the first of two books on this list.
7) Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma- This is one of the few novels that actually had me ugly cry. There was nothing pretty about me the day I finished this novel. Suzuma is a powerful writer, and Forbidden was a powerful novel about a brother and a sister who fall in love. Therefore, there is no way this is going to end well. What a story. It was beautiful and hopeless. If you don't experience heart break from reading this novel... I don't know, I just don't know.
8) Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult- Like many of Picoult novel's, there is a grand revelation at the climax of this novel. This revelation answers a good number of the burning questions, it does this by painting a picture, taking you to the scene. It was this part of the story that caused me to blubber like a baby. The whole thing was SO unfair. Injustice and when things are unfair makes me sad. This is exactly what happened. A chain of events caused by unfairness and injustice.
10) Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta- This was a beautiful novel. I loved it SO much. It is easily one of the best books I have ever read. There were a number of scenes in this novel that made me cry. There is so much of Taylor`s story that makes my throat clog and my eyes water. There is so much guilt and confusion and sadness is Jellicoe Road, but it is also hopeful and full of joy. But I cried a lot in this novel.
I still need to read Hallowed. The third book may be out before I get to it! I'm interested in the fact that it seems to take a more serious turn, though.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with The Fault in Our Stars!
Great list! I didn't cry at the end of The Time Traveller's Wife but I was super sad by it; for the last third of the novel, it really felt as though something real bad was looming but when it happened it still left me all D=
ReplyDeleteHere's my Top Ten for this week =)
Well! How many times can you make me realize I suck for not reading books by those two authors?! Okay, okay I really should make some sort of definite timeline to stick to to make sure I read their books in due time. Like maybe by the end of the year, I should have read one book from each. Okay FINE I'LL DO IT! And I WILL love them, I am sure.
ReplyDeleteI've had a time when I cried at almost every book I read. Luckily that's over. But I did cry my eyes out while reading the end of The Time Traveler's Wife. When I was at 3/4 I began to realize Henry was never older than 40something and it made it really hard to continue reading. I have TFioS on my TBR, but I'm a little hesitant to read it, because I'm afraid it will be really heavy...
ReplyDeleteGreat list!
My TTT Bookish Confesions
If I Stay & Jellicoe Road are high on my Must Read List. I think TFioS is synonymous with cry, smile, and cry some more.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a very popular post today. great picks! Check out our Top Ten Fictional Crushes Katie @ Inkk
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a crier, but I love it when books touch me in a sad way. The idea that words can do that to you is amazing :)
I get teary with everything even though I try to stay away from tearjerkers... :L I have TFiOS on my fall TBR pile, so it's in line...
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Among those books mentioned, I've only read The Time Traveler's Wife and yeah, that book broke my heart, too. I cried ugly, hysterical sobs I thought I was going to die. Okay, that was a bit too much. But really, it's such a heartbreaker.
ReplyDeleteLove tearjerkers! Great list! I've read some of these, but I'll have to look up the others :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT:
Oh, books that make you cry are a guilty pleasure of mine!!
ReplyDeleteI have only read two on you list though - If I stay and Jellicoe - so I guess I need to check out the others.
Yup, I totally cried with If I Stay and The Fault in our Stars too. So dang heartbreaking!!!
ReplyDeleteI ALSO cried when I read Looking for Alaska! Right at the After part...Pudge asking for Alaska, the Colonel on the floor...GAH!
ReplyDeleteThe Time Traveler's Wife made me cry so much. Love the book, but damn that hurts to even just think about it.
ReplyDeletePicoult always writes tear-jerkers! Good picks!
ReplyDeleteI chose Top Ten books from NPR's Sci-fi and Fantasy list and I'm a new follower on GFC :D