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Monday, March 6, 2017

Sara's February Recap

Well, hello.

If I thought January was low key... it was nothing compared to February. I don't know what happened to the month, what did I do? Cause I certainly did not read very much, and I don't think I watched that much TV- I don't know. I did go to the movies a few times this past month (which is a lot for me).  

I saw Lion, Fifty Shades Darker and La La Land

I actually enjoyed every single one. They were all so different from one another and entertaining in their own right. I think La La Land was my favourite. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have such amazing chemistry. The music was great. However, Lion was heartbreaking, and Fifty Shades, well it was what it was. 

Other than that, a pretty uneventful month. 

The Books:

Number of books completed 

Physical books 



Physical Books: 
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood (2 Stars)
Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane (4 Stars)
Three Hard Lessons by Nikki Sloane (3.5 Stars)

No Favourite of the month- or none that really stood out for me as being great. Although I did enjoy the two Nikki Sloane novels- they aren't to everyone's taste. So, I am going to leave it this month. 


The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson (3 Stars)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (5 Stars) 

Favourite Listen of the Month

I am finally done the Harry Potter reread that I started back in late 2015. What a magical adventure it has been. Rereading The Deathly Hallows was special to me, as it was the first time I reread this book since I first read back in 2007. It was a beautiful and emotional experience it has been. 

2017 Resolutions Update:
For a recap of my 2017 "resolutions" go here
I did not read very much in February, I don't know what the heck I was doing. It's like my goal to read 2500 pages really freaked me out, and I set myself up for failure. Oh well. As of the end of February, I was still on track for my 100 book goal, and I read more books than I listened to. However, any of my other goals, including the 2017 release I failed at. However, I did start a 2017 release in February with every intention of finishing, but I got distracted. And both audiobooks I listened to, were from the library. 
Anywho, February, kind of was a write off for me. I anticipate March to be better, because I gave up TV for Lent, not only TV, but I also deleted the Facebook and Youtube app from my phone. I literally have eliminated all distractions form my my life for the next 6+ weeks. All I can do it read.  Wish me luck. 
This Month on the Blog: 

That's it for February, happy March everyone!


  1. Oh man, I'd love to reread Harry Potter. Maybe I'll do it over the summer? It's been such a long time since I've read the books!

    1. I loved my Harry Potter reread. It was a slow process, I started in Nov 2015. And I listened to the audiobooks, which were brilliant! I felt like I saw something new and wonderful in them this time around.

  2. I don't know what happened to my comment. BAH.

    As I was saying, Dev Patel. *SWWOOOOON*

  3. Ooh no TV for 6 weeks? Damn, that would be hard. Good for you! I hope you get some good reading time in in the meantime. And despite being a slow month, it pleases me so much that you got to reread DH and it was just as good and emotional as you remembered!!

    1. Yes, it's been a week and the no TV things has been a struggle. But I feel like I've been pretty productive. Rereading HP was amazing- Deathly Hallows was incredible.

  4. I love HP on audio! I've been rereading them off and on on audio. I'm only on book 4, but they're so good!


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"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl