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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Best Read of 2015

Again, I know I am a little behind on this- but better late then never. I thought about not posting it, but I felt like I needed to round out 2015 and share with you my favourite five reads of the year. Yes, there are only five.

A few months ago I shared a similar list- my favourites so far- and reviewing it, there is some overlap (2 books), but I read some really fantastic books in the last quarter of the year.

So here they are:

5) Vicious by VE Schwab

I was actually very surprised with how much I enjoyed this one. I really loved the concept of what makes a super hero and what makes a villain (I have a thing for super heroes). This book just did it for me.

4) Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

It's maybe a little cliche to have this one as a favourite- but this book made me think about life and what living really means. It stuck with me. If you haven't read this, you really need to.

3) Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

As I mentioned in my review of Attachments, I felt like it could have been talking about MY life. It was freaky. But the way Rowell told the story was so beautiful and honest. I really appreciated that. Being a grown up is hard, but you gotta  do it, and you gotta move with the shakes.

2) Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen

This one kind of snuck up on me. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. For me it was very reminiscent of Huntley Fitzpatrick's The Boy Next Door. I really liked Sydney and how her character developed. I also appreciate the role of the parents in the majority of Dessen's novels (I've only read 3). I find in a lot of YA, the parents are very absent (sometimes for no reason).  However, in this book the parents were very present and played a significant part.

1) I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Despite how I felt when I initially read this book (my thoughts), I absolutely adored it. Going through all the novels I read in 2015, this book stuck with me. I really feel like I want to reread this book and experience it all over again. It truly is a beautiful story- and the way Nelson tells it... breathtaking.

So, there you have it. My top five of 2015. I hope you enjoyed. I am really looking forward to reading even more amazing novels in 2016. I feel fired up to read. 

Happy Reading Everyone! 

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  1. I feel like I am in the same boat as you, though in the end I decided not to post my favourites of 2015 at all. There weren't many that stood out to me (maybe 5 as well). I hope this year I will be in a better headspace for reading than last. And I really hope to read all of the above this year. Hopefully. At least Vicious :) Those contemporaries sound mighty good too though!

  2. Totes agree with Me Before You and I'll Give You the Sun!

  3. I always enjoy Dessen's books too and have Vicious and I'll Give You the Sun in my TBR pile.


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— Roald Dahl