These post may be more for me than any of you. But here I go anyways. I really enjoy(ed) keeping track of what I'd read in a month this way. So I bring back to you the Monthly Recap.
I read only six books in January. Which actually, is pretty standard for me. I'd like to push that to seven for February, we'll see. Anywho, here they are.
1) The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley- Had to read this one for Book Club. I didn't like it. I found it incredibly boring and poorly written. The theme of the novel would suggest that it would be an incredibly moving novel, with a ton of emotion and would be the cause of a number of tears. That is not what I got. I felt nothing. Oh well.
While I was reading The Promise of Stardust, I was also listening to....

After weeks and weeks I finally finished...
3) I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson- I don't want to say to much about how I felt reading this book. Because - wait for it - I think I'm going to write a review. But I have mixed feelings on this one. Stay tuned.
Then I moved onto....

After, I quickly read...
5) The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen- What an absolutely lovely little novel. I loved this book. It was so endearing and just a feel good book. I loved it. I am eager to read more by this author. (This is another Carrie recommends, and she never steers me wrong).
I ended the month with...

Overall, it wasn't a bad month. I have a plan for February's reading. I have three series I am hoping to finish. I just have the last books to read. SO keep your fingers crossed that I get to them.
Here's to hoping you'll be seeing more of me, but I make no promises.
~Happy Reading Everyone!
Oh I would so love to hear your thoughts on I'll Give You the Sun and female protags in those kinds of books! No pressure of course. I just miss reading your thoughts!