Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at The Broke and Bookish.
Top Ten Books On My Spring 2014 TBR List (to be read list)
I'm doing things a little differently. I've had some major success with these TBR post in the past and I have been wanting to whittle down the amount of unread books on my shelf. I've split this week's list into two sections, books that have been sitting on my self for eons, and books that I don't own but I am excited about. Hope that makes sense.
From My Shelf:
1) A Discovery of Witches by by Deborah Harkness- I bought this book, maaaaaybe three years ago. It's time to get it read.
2) The Last Letter From your Lover by Jojo Moyes- Again, another book that has been sitting on my shelf since the beginning of time that I need to get read.
3) Tear You Apart by Megan Hart- Just sitting there unread. Which is shocking because I love Megan Hart.

5) The Lightning Thief by Rick Riodan- I bought the box set of this series sometime in the summer and thinking that I would finally get the chance to read it. I still haven't and this needs to change.
Excited For:

7) The King by JR Ward- Love this series. I have already pre ordered The King and I never Pre order anything.
8) Take Me On by Katie McGarry- I am amazed at how quickly McGarry can get a book out and that they're never bad. They are actually amazing!!
9) Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor- Can. Not. Wait. Three more weeks.
10) Half Bad by Sally Green- I am very curious about this book. I am hoping to get to it at some point this spring.
So what say you? Do you think I'll be able to read all of these books in the next three months? I hope so. Don't forget to leave links to your TBRs so I can go check them out.
Happy Reading Everyone.
Oooh. Percy Jackson. I haven't read them either, but I really want to. I LOVE Greek Myth so I know I'd enjoy those books. You're lucky to have the box set though. I want to get the new covers because they look perfect. I don't know if they've been released yet, though. And, Half Bad. I feel the exact same way. I never got an early e-copy or anything, so I haven't even had it in my mind. But, I've heard soooo much hype that I'm hoping to get my hands on it soon and figure out my own opinions.
ReplyDeleteHere's My Top Ten Tuesday!
I forgot that Take Me On was coming out this Spring... I'M REALLY EXCITED. AH.
ReplyDeleteAnd then Half Bad is one that I've been hearing a lot about. I'm not sure that I'm interested in reading it, but I want to read it because so many people have been talking about it. Does that make sense? I really hope it does!
- Tabitha @ Tabitha's Book Blog
Dreams Of Gods and Monsters! I want!
ReplyDeletePercy Jackson is awesome, and everybody should read it!
Great list!
Just finished re-reading Percy Jackson and now on the spin-off series. So glad to see so many people finally picking these up! Great list :) Enjoy
ReplyDeleteAmanda @ i solemnly swear
I've got The Lightning Thief on my list this week too - and it makes me so happy that I'm not the only one that hasn't read the Percy Jackson books. Sometimes it sure feels that way. Good reading.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
I bought A Discovery of Witches the other day and I'm dying to get stuck in. It sounds promising! I'm curious about Half Bad too, I hope it's as great as everyone is saying!
ReplyDeleteHalf Bad is so freaking good. I will be comparing every fantasy book I read all year to it! Enjoy the Percy Jackson series too - it is a lot of fun. I have some of those books on my shelf and have for a while - I need to get to them!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed that you have luck with completing your TBR lists. I never seem to! They're always a fail to me. I can see you've already crossed out a few so you're doing well. DREAMS OF GODS AND MONSTERS!! I reeeaally hope my preorder arrives soon. I'm not going to be a happy camper if I have to wait long.