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Monday, January 3, 2011

Haulin' (4)

I totally took advantage of Boxing Week this year, and I went a little crazy. But I love books and buying books on sale...Uhh Yeah.

PS-If you click on the cover it'll take you to it's Goodreads page.

The Dark Divine-Bree Despain

I've seen the cover of this book floating around the blog world for a little while, but never paid to much attention to it. But I picked it up when I was at the bookstore and thought it looked amazing, so now I have it, and I will read it someday!

The Girls-Lori Lansens

I'd Never heard of this book before I picked it up. But When I looked it up late, it got amazing reviews and people seems to really enjoy it.

Love Rules-Freya North

I've read one other book by Freya North and I really really liked it. It was funny and it was a light read, which I enjoyed. So I am looking forward to reading this one.

After-Amy Efaw
*I've read and finished this book, I'll have my review up later this week.*

I love the cover of this books, love love love it. I read the back, and wanted to know what happened, I missed the details of the cover when I started reading the book and it wasn't until I knew what happened that I realized that it was right there on the cover.

J'adore New York-Isabelle Lafleche

I spend hours at the bookstore when I go, hours and hours, and generally do not leave with what I had originally intended. I breeze through pick up the books with pretty covers-and buy them if they sound interesting. Sometimes it serves me well, and sometimes it doesn't. We'll find out with this one.

French Kissing-Catherine Sanderson

This looks like good fun. I've been reading some pretty heavy stuff in the last couple weeks and I need something a little lighter.

Selfish is the Heart- Megan Hart

If I can avoid it I try to buy books from the bookstore instead of on Amazon. In saying that, I waited a long time for this book to find it's way into stores. But alas I now have it. And the cover is gorgeous.

Intrinsical-Lani Woodland

I won a PDF copy of this book from a contest held at Ruby's Reads, I've started it, but I hate reading from my computer, so I'm thinking about investing in a Kobo eReader. Yesssss.
And that's my haul-Happy Reading Everyone!


  1. I didn't get out to the stores on Boxing Day to catch any great deals unfortunately. Hope you enjoy your reads!

  2. Oh! So many books I hadn't heard of!! I need to investigate!

    Hope you have a good reading week!


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"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl