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Monday, January 6, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday- Bookish Resolutions

Before we get into this week's list. I want to talk to you a bit about 2013. Looking back at 2013 I am completely dissatisfied with what I read. I feel like I didn't really read anything amazing. I read some great books, but I don't feel like I read anything so totally amazing or original. Nothing that stayed with me. I don't think I read anything super memorable. So, I want to change that in 2014. I have thought long and hard about how to make this new year a great reading and blogging year.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at The Broke and Bookish.


Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2014 (bookish, not bookish or a blend)

Reading Resolutions: 

1) Read outside of my comfort zone- I read A LOT of contemporary last year and I think it put me in a little bit of a rut. Don't get me wrong, I love me some contemporary. But I would like to broaden my horizons this coming year. Read more post-apocalyptic, dystopian, steam punk, fantasy... anything. 

2) Tackle the unread books on my shelf- I would like to read ONE book a month from the books on my shelf that I absolutely needed to own but still haven't read. I don't know if that means that I make a TBR jar or I just chose a book at random for the month. We'll see. 

3) Make monthly TBR Lists- Once upon a time I would have a list of five or six books that I would want/need to read for the month. Sometimes these lists did feel a little restrictive and that would stress me out, but for the most part I really appreciated them. It helped keep me organized- especially when it comes to review books. I know that I don't need to stick to these lists and if I stray it's not the end of the world. 

4) Read a classic or two- I have been saying this for years. But I mean it this time! I am going to read Pride and Prejudice this year, I am going to read Jane Eyre this year. I am hoping to get at the very least those two read.

5) An hour a day- I used to be able to read for hours on end. But these day I am so distracted by the internet and my phone and other things that I won't pick up my book, or I'll read for a couple of minutes here and there. I would like to dedicate a time where I just read, and I think an hour is not an unreasonable amount of time. It can be done. 

Blogging Resolutions: 

1) One review a week- This has always been a kind of "rule" of mine. There was a time or two or six where I failed at this because I got a little lazy. Also, I am not, nor will I ever be, that blogger who posts five reviews a week. I don't have that kind of time, and I don't think it's necessary. I am a busy girl with lots of other commitments. But I think I can get out one solidly written review a week. 

2) Post Twice a week- Along side my review once a week, I would like to have an additional post. Be that Top Ten Tuesday or a book haul or some kind of discussion. I don't want to overwhelm people with posts but I don't want to be a strictly review blog. That's boring and I like to talk about books. 

3) Comment more- I know loads of people say this. But I want to be more present in the blogging community. I read a lot of blogs, but I don't always comment. I think that I am going to start. A lot of work goes into blog posts and I want to acknowledge by commenting more. 

4) Review older books- More like don't be afraid to review an older title. There are so many books out there that I haven't read. And sometimes I read a book and want to share my thoughts on it, but won't because it's an older book and no one cares. I need to let that go, and just go for it. I need to review what I want to review! 

5) Not so many review books- I can fall so behind with review books. Sometimes I request to many on Netgalley, or get to carried way when requesting books for review. So I need to be more realistic when it comes to review books and what I can handle. 

Those are my resolutions and goals for the upcoming year, please link yours below so I can see what everyone else it up to. 

~Happy Reading Everyone! 


  1. I feel like a lot of your goals are what all bookish people are feeling right now. Especially with reading the books that you already have and commenting more.

    Aly @ My Heart Hearts Books

  2. Great list, I share several of your goals, like reading out of my comfort zone and commenting more.
    This is my TTT: http://takeawalkonthewriteside.blogspot.it/2014/01/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-bookish.html

  3. Good choices! I don't mind reviewing older books, I find it that people often don't know all the old books and end up finding new interesting reads. :) As do I. :)
    And I agree about distractions, it's terrible! I used to read for hours, too, now I keep glancing at phone and online. :X
    Happy reading!

    My TTT

  4. I didn't add it to my TTT post, but I am seeing reading more of the classics on a lot of people's lists... I think I will try that one, too. Any btw, Jane Eyre is one of my all time favorite books!!!

  5. oh! and if you care, here are my resolutions: http://chapterbreak.net/2014/01/07/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-goalsresolutions-for-2014-january-7-2014/?preview=true&preview_id=5509&preview_nonce=1687031b93

  6. You have some great goals here!! I hear ya on tackling the unread books on the shelf-- I have sooo many, yet I keep buying and requesting ARCs! It has to stop! I also think it would be good for me to read a classic from time to time. I haven't really read any since high school other than jane austen books.
    I like that your list isn't crazy, but things that are actually attainable! You can do it!

  7. These are such great goals Sara! The monthly TBR list has become a new habit for me, and so far I really like it. I hope it doesn't stress you out as you get back into it.

    I hope you like Jane Eyre! It's so good!

    And I'm also trying for one review a week. Review pact? :)

  8. Ugh, I know what you mean by all the distractions! I'm lucky if I can read for an hour a day, what with everything else I want to stuff into my life. But you're right, I do need to make time to read again, like I used to as a child. Let's make it happen!

  9. I really like the idea of doing a monthly TBR list. Maybe I kind of do this because I read so many new releases, but I'd like to focus on a backlist TBR list. Good luck with your resolutions!

  10. I can relate to al of your goals. Why is the internet so distracting !

    I may have to add reading a classic to my list too.


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"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl