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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Book Buying Ban 2011

Hello There,

Right now on my shelf there are about 40 books that I have not read.  40! That's insane. I should have no 40 unread books on my shelf. Some of them I've had since Christmas, some from even before. So sad.  So I am imposing on myself a book buying ban.  I am not allowed to buy a single book (for myself) until I have read 20 of the unread books on my shelf. Cut that 40 down in half. I don't want to get out of control with the buying and then never read the books. I started this a few days ago and I am hoping to have all 20 read by the end of June. Three months, I can handle that.

Some of the books I plan on reading:

Red Glove-Holly Black
Halo- Alexandra Adornetto
Identical-Ellen Hopkins
The Book Theif-Markus Zusak
The Unwritten Rule-Elizabeth Scott

and 15 more. So wish me luck.

Happy Reading Everyone!


  1. My book buying ban may have to start in May. Good luck in whittling down your TBR pile.

  2. Good luck, I currently have about 60 books on my shelf I haven't read yet, some of them i bought over a year ago, it's shameful. I signed up to the 'Off the Shelf' challenge at the beginning of the year to encourage me to read them, I also said I wasn't going to buy more books, however although I haven't brought as many as I maybe would have before, there have still been some I couldn't resist.

    I wish you luck with your ban and reading.

  3. I keep starting a ban, but as soon as I see a book I got to have, well I sort of buy it. 40 is a good number... I don't even want to count mine.

  4. Good luck! My kids have tried to impose this ban on me as well with very little success... And now - there are SOooo many awesome books that were released today it's going to be hard!

    Stay strong!!

  5. Thanks for the support guys!

    I am going to try and stay out of the book store, I am buying books for RAK, so that helps a little, and I am still allowing myself to use the library. It's just silly for me to have so many books and not read them.

    And there were so many great books out today. I'll get them eventually.

  6. thats crazy! well I have like 15-20 that need to be read but a little more than have are from the library but that's not too bad I guess. I wonder if you have the same problem that I have. I tend to start blogging and reading blogs more than I actually read books some time which I find pretty funny.

    I hope you stick to your ban I know it will be tough, but it's okay if you have some slip ups. I hope I read many reviews to come!

  7. I have got a book ban too..but it is so hard! I have to buy the third of the Pretty trilogy though..I mean COME ON! But right after that...probably.


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"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl