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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Best of 2014 Giveaway Hop

The Best of 2014 Giveaway Hop is hosted by Mary at Book Hounds to celebrate our favorite books of 2014.

Last year I really struggled with the topic of best books. 2013 was a pretty average year for me. Nothing really stood out. That was not the case this year. 2014 was a stellar year, I really pushed myself to read outside of my comfort zone. I didn't read AS much YA. Not that I have given it up completely- I did read a little sci-fi/fantasy and historical-esq YA. I also found myself reading more adult fiction, which I really enjoyed.

I guess what I am saying is that I had a good year and I have an array of novels for you to chose from.

Winner(s) get to chose ONE (1) of the following: 

1) A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
2) The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
3) The Silver Lingings Playbook by Matthew Quick
4) The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoskie
5) This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales 

The Rules:

1) You don't need to be a follower of this blog to enter- Just fill out the Rafflecopter Widget found below.

2) There are a few extra entries, do with them as you wish.

3) If I reach 600 Facebook likes I will chose another winner, the same goes if I reach 600 followers on Bloglovin'. So there is the potential that there would be THREE (3) winners.

That's it, those are the rules- easy as pie.

Make sure to check out all the other Giveaway participants. <!-- end LinkyTools script –>

Monday, December 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday- Favourite New Authors

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2014

This year has been a pretty exciting year for me in book land. I found myself reaching FAR out of my comfort zone, and finding some really fantastic new authors. Some I have read multiple novels by already, and some I have only read one of their novels, with plans to read more. I hope you enjoy!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at The Broke and Bookish.

1) Patrick Ness- I have read three novels by Patrick Ness this year- That is a lot. I initially read one of his lesser known novels- The Crane Wife, and I really enjoyed it. I was then challenged by Alyee to read two more of his novels A Monster Calls (which I absolutely adored), and The Knife of Never Letting Go (which stressed me out a bit). However, I have really been impressed with all of the novels I have read by him, and I am eager to delve into the rest of what he is offering. 

2) Neil Gaiman- This man knows how to write weird. I read two novels by Gaiman this year. The Ocean at the End of the Lane- which creeped me out, but was completely brilliant at the same time. I also read Coraline, again, which was brilliant, and creepy. Both novels were SO weird but in a fantastic way. Next on my list: Stardust.

3) Liane Moriarty- I think Liane may be my favourite of the top ten favourite new to me authors. I read two novels by her this year- and I am hoping to get to a third before this year is done. Moriarty is an Australian author and I find that I love Australian writers and their novels. 

4) Marie Rutkoski- I knew the moment I closed The Winner's Curse, that Rutkoski was going to be a new favourite of mine, and I think I was right. I am currently in the middle of it's sequel The Winner's Crime and I'm loving it. I love the story, I love the writing. I need more of her novels on my life. I just do. 

5) Susan Ee- Angelfall is one of my top 15 books of this year. It was so good! I haven't read the sequel yet. But it's up there. 

6) Mary E. Pearson- This one is kind of a funny one. I read Kiss of Deception this past year and I loved it. I loved the characters, I loved the concept of the story, I loved the world, I loved the whole thing. However, not everyone liked the book as much. I liked it so much I have looked into the Jenna Fox series and plan on reading it ASAP. 

7) Matthew Quick- I have read The Silver Lining's Playbook twice this year. It was pretty freaking brilliant! I don't know if there is a bad thing I could say about that book. I have also really heard really great things about Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock. This man has an interesting way of looking at mental illness and I am really curious about Leonard Peacock. 

8) Leila Sales- This one really took me by surprise. This Song Will Save Your Life is SO good. I was amazed at how insightful it was. I need more Leila Sales in my life. 

9) Marcus Zusak- The Book Thief- nuff' said. 

10) Sarah J. Maas- Throne of Glass was Uh-Mazing!! I loved what Maas delivered with this novel and she is totally one of my new favourite authors. Why have I not read everything by her yet? 

So that is my list for the week, I hope you enjoyed. 

~Happy Reading Everyone! 

"So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."
— Roald Dahl